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Golf Simulator Blog

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How Much Space Do You Need for a Home Golf Simulator?

Jul 6, 2022

It is recommended to have at least 9ft. to 10ft. of vertical space in your golf simulator room, especially if you want to comfortably swing a driver without worrying. But, before you get out the measuring tape, let’s discuss the best rooms to add a golf simulator to your home.

What rooms are good for home golf simulators?

Residential golf simulators are exciting purchases, but where is the best place to put them in your home? Luckily, you have quite a few options, so you can decide which room and golf sim setup are best for your specific situation.

Keep in mind that it’s recommended to have at least 9ft. to 10ft. of height in your golf simulator room.

Bedroom or office

If you have the extra space, a bedroom or office works great for a golf simulator setup. These types of rooms are often big enough for you to also include a seating area and bar so it can double as a general entertainment space with a large, high-quality projector already built in.

Residential golf simulator in basement


Basements make for great man caves, especially with a built-in, luxury golf simulator setup. However, a lot of basements don’t fit the size requirements. Make sure to double-check your measuring before getting too excited about a basement golf simulator.

If it is big enough, however, you can do some really cool stuff with a basement golf sim. You can create theater-style seating, add a bar, and sometimes, even a second golf simulator.

Residential golf simulator in garage


Garages are often tall enough for a golf simulator, but they lack some of the style and pizzazz of the other options. A garage sim setup won’t be as comfortable, and you often lose the ability to add adequate seating, but it’s still a great option for someone looking to shave a few strokes off their game from home.

Learn more about garage golf simulators

Two golf simulators next to each other in a home

New home construction

Adding a golf simulator to your new home design is the best option available. You can take the time to really choose exactly what you want your simulator to be like. You can even create space for a second simulator as well as spacious seating areas and other entertaining spaces within your golf simulator room.

Working with a home designer in the Tri-State area? Contact our team and we can work directly with your architect to include a golf simulator in your new home construction.


If you’re looking for the quickest, most affordable option on the market, you can consider an outdoor golf simulator. However, this comes with some serious drawbacks compared to an indoor golf simulator setup.

The cons of having an outdoor golf simulator

If you plan on using yours outside, you miss out on the main benefit of having an indoor golf simulator – using it year-round regardless of the weather. Here in New York where we’re based, we get very cold, snowy winters that make golf virtually impossible to play for most of the year.

Playing whenever you want is at the core of a residential golf simulator, but having an outdoor one makes it very difficult to play at night. You would have to make sure that you have proper lighting and that you’re not being too loud if you have neighbors close by.

If you do decide to have your golf simulator outside, be prepared to move your equipment inside every time you’re done to protect your investment.

Hire a golf simulator company

Want a golf simulator, but don’t know where to begin? That’s where we come in. Schedule a free consultation with our golf simulator experts and we’ll handle everything for you.

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